Privacy Policy

Last updated October 15, 2023

Data We Collect

Duolicious collects and stores the information you submit about yourself when you sign up or modify your profile. This includes:

  1. Your email address
  2. Your gender
  3. The preferred gender of your partner
  4. Your first name
  5. Your date of birth
  6. Your location (as specified by you)
  7. Your photos
  8. Your self-summary
  9. Your sexual orientation
  10. Your occupation
  11. Your education
  12. Your height
  13. Your preferred relationship duration (e.g. short-term, long-term, etc)
  14. Your smoking status
  15. Your drinking status
  16. Your relationship status
  17. Whether you have children
  18. Whether you to have children
  19. Your religion
  20. Your star sign

Your email address, gender, preferred partner's gender, first name, date of birth, location, and self-summary are required to sign up. Other information is optional.

We also collect and store your Q&A answers.

We may use cookies to keep you signed in, but we do not use them to track you across the web or to perform analytics.

Data We Do Not Collect

Duolicious does not use cookies to:

  1. Track you on other websites; or
  2. Target ads towards you.

We do not share your data with third parties except when required by law.

How Your Data Is Used

Duolicious uses the data you provide to:

  1. Create your account
  2. Manage your account
  3. Show your profile to user users
  4. Identify you during requests for support
  5. Recommend you to other users
  6. Recommend other users to you
  7. Understand how users typically use Duolicious so that we can improve our service
  8. Detect and prevent violations of our Terms of Use
  9. Comply with legal requirements

Deleting Your Account

Deleting your account permanently removes all data associated with your account except for:

  1. Server access logs;
  2. Data stored in the form of backups for the purpose of disaster recovery; and
  3. The content of your conversations, including the bodies of the sent messages, to whom they were sent, and the time each message was sent. However, when you delete your account, these conversations become orphaned from other personally identifiable data which you provided to Duolicious, including your name and email address. Duolicious intends to implement a computer program which periodically searches for and deletes conversations which have become orphaned by all participants, however we make no guarantee about when that program will be implemented.